Enigma Bridge is a web service providing businesses with a simple and secure encryption, authentication and other security functions for web, mobile, and internet applications. The Enigma Bridge service is powered by a CloudHSM technology providing "lock and key" in the Cloud.
This test site allows you test Enigma Bridge services. This page demonstrates data protection functions (use top menu for other tests). Please follow three simple steps to test Enigma Bridge:
Once you click the “Protect Your Data Now” button, you will see the protected data. The form also
shows what was sent to the Enigma Bridge service and was was returned so that developers can easily
test it for themselves.
Note: if you are interested in details of processing, a more complex test site is at https://expert.enigmabridge.com.
Enigma Bridge is a CloudHSM web service providing simple and secure encryption, authentication and other security functions for web, mobile, and internet applications.
End-to-end encryption to hardware CloudHSMs.
HTTPS to Enigma Bridge servers.
Work distribution, allocation of CloudHSMs.
Processing of client requests in CloudHSMs.
We utilize a massive number of physical secure processing elements (CloudHSMs). On-the-fly allocation of these processors gives you as much processing power your business needs. We are the only CloudHSM-based service like that.
A connection key and an address of our CloudHSM instance is all you need to protect your data and your business. Just like using a simple APIs of Google or Facebook, the Enigma Bridge service is so simple and powerful.
Enigma Bridge service comprises automatic fail-over and load-balancing over a large number of CloudHSMs, making resilience an inherent property of Enigma Bridge.
Enigma Bridge was founded in 2015 by security professionals with extensive backgrounds in academia (cryptography), security consulting (for FIs) and card payments. Engima Bridge is on a mission to make the internet security ubiquitous and has developed its own (patent-pending) hardware and software for that purpose.Enigma Bridge runs its offices on Bridge Street in Cambridge, UK.